Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ah Venice

We walked down the Calle, the name for street here in Venice, early morning with mainly pigeons cooing in the distance and the occasional ring of a marine bell. As we looked down the alleys along the way, each little crevice here declared authentic Italian architecture, authentic Italian design...we walk through the shaded portico with its traditional arches and then the vastness of Piazza San Marco opens up around us. 

The staggering tower, Campanile, strikes against the backdrop of San Marco's basilica. The golden- winged lion accented with the four bronze horses greet the eye while on the opposite end of the 'square' (it's not a square really) Napoleon's figure is set in the proper lineage of the Venetian leaders and kings. When Napoleon entered, there was little if no resistance and he promptly destroyed a church to build an edifice so he could put his likeness on display. 

Of San Marco Square, Napoleon described it as 'the drawing room of Europe,' it truly is a romantic destination.