Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Rialto Market

If you’re hungry for the tastes of northern Italy, then Venice is your place. They say: “A tavola non si invecchia,” which means: “At the table one does not age.”

“Parla come mangi!” means speak the language of your food. In Italy, people talk about food, a lot. In this culture, someone who shares a recipe or a meal is really proclaiming their sense of belonging to where they’re from, and each region has its unique specialties. The reason for this is that Italian dishes have traditionally been the “food of the people.”

Meals are made from what’s available in the area, as locals have neither the time, nor money to use anything but ingredients easily at hand. Many Italians still go to the market every morning to buy fresh ingredients and only prepare what’s in season. The Rialto Market in Venice is overflowing with the exotic catches of the day, from sea bass, to razor clams, to the freshest fruits and vegetables. For a seafood lover, there is perhaps no better place in the world to visit. Chefs in Venice are very concerned with what is called the material prima, or basic materials, and the market is their palette.

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