Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Risotto at Ristorante Rafaella

The first time I ever tried true Risotto was at Ristorante Rafaella in Venice.

Per the owner there, making it requires skill and patience. It’s pretty easy to do, however, if you stick to the rules. Once prepared, Risotto is immediately served in a mound, steaming hot, in the center of individual, warmed, shallow bowls. It actually tastes better when it has time to rest on your plate a minute or so. Spread it on the plate from the center toward the rim, to dissipate some of the steam. Then eat from the pulled-out ring of rice and continue spreading from the center, eating around the edges in a circle. This will keep the risotto hot. Delicioso!

“Il ristorante” literally means “a place where one is restored.” Italians don’t really dine out, they dine. Every meal to them is a pleasure and a chance to socialize. Ristorante Rafaella is one of the only restaurants in the city that actually looks over one of the inland canals. Now this is Venice!


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