Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Employees Making Big Strides

We recently welcomed Ron Gholston to our fold in the research and sales categories.

Ron has only been with us a very short time, about two weeks, but he's already made huge strides in both sales and research, booking one Hawaii trip (not even our specialty) totaling well over $22,000. He's also been a huge help with his knowledge of airlines, hotels, and other bookings. For example, he's managed to save us a considerable amount of money on hotel rooms and airfare. The man has extensive travel experience, having been to 123 countries of the world. As you would expect, he knows his stuff! So, welcome Ron, and thank you for your hard work and can-do attitude!

Another relatively new hire is Dan Dieckhaus. Dan has actually been with us for some time in the capacity of Tour Captain, so I don't think of him as a new employee really. He is a QueensLander veteran, but he's new at working in our home office. He has taken on the task of tackling our Land Operations department, which has seen a number of people come and go due to the complexity of the job. Unlike the others, Dan has toughed it out, and he brings a wealth of knowledge of the areas we travel to, as well as the local contacts and how best to relate to them and their needs from us. Thank you Dan for taking on a challenging position and making it work to our advantage!

Kathleen Fernandez is another relatively new hire who is working our Air Operations, handling airfare arrangements for our guests, which can be challenging in light of pleasing people with seat assignments, prices, etc. She also manages our final documents process, providing customers with all the details they need to make their trip happen smoothly. It's a very important part of the job here, and we are grateful to have her support and knowledge. She also has extensive experience as an office manager, which can only be to our benefit. Thank you, Kathleen!

One more person to mention is Troy Bradley, who has also been with us for only about two weeks. Troy came to us from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and he recently graduated from the International Guide Academy here in Denver. So, he will be working for us in the capacity of Tour Captain. He will actually be based in Budapest, Hungary, and will work from there, traveling to Italy or wherever we need him. Welcome, Troy!

We look forward to having all these good folks around for a long time and enjoying their contributions to the QueensLander family!


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