Friday, November 18, 2011

Mail in Italy

Venice's Posta Centrale is at San Marco 5554, 30124 Venezia, on the San Marco side of the Rialto Bridge at Rialto Fontego dei Tedeschi (tel. 041-271-7111 or 041-528-5813; Vaporetto: Rialto). This office sells stamps at Window 12 Monday to Saturday 8:30am to 6:30pm (for parcels, 8:10am-1:30pm).

If you're at Piazza San Marco and need postal services, walk through Sottoportego San Geminian, the center portal at the opposite end of the piazza from the basilica on Calle Larga dell'Ascensione. Its usual hours are Monday to Friday 8:30am to 2pm and Saturday 8:30am to 1pm. You can buy francobolli (stamps) at any tabacchi (tobacconists) throughout Italy. The mailboxes seen around town are generally red.

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