Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tour Captain's Rule!

Just a very short note to say it's a good thing I had to step in for Danino, as the more I am not leading tours, the more out of touch with our product I become! My point: I need to either lead (or participate as an observer as a Tour Captain leads) once a year on our tours to make sure I'm with it! And yes, (breathing hard...) I am leaning toward the latter! :)

Tour Captains Caron and Janette (paralleling with me right now) along with Elaine, Jodie and Sandy (wherever they are!!!) are truly doing a phenom job and it is so refreshing (while I sweat in this July heat!!!) to be able to not only SEE them perform (and yes, get chill bumps!) but also hear about the feedback from their guests.

Okay, I must run to organize...the work of the TC on duty always calls!!!

Much love and adoration!

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