Monday, October 8, 2012

It Is a Holiday Today, Isn't It?

Today is Columbus Day, and while it is termed a holiday, there seem to be few of us that really observe the day or have it off. Still, it is rather quiet around the office this morning. And poor Columbus, he seems to get a raw deal these days, with many people objecting to the observance of this day.

At any rate, we are at work today, and there is much to do to keep a tour business operating. Just saw Friday that a competitor in New Jersey, ABC Tours, had gone out of business, stranding customers who had tours scheduled. In fact, I happened to speak to one of their customers by coincidence the other day. It is tough to survive as a small business in any economy, but especially so in one like this. However, we continue to grow and are always looking for ways to strengthen our base, shore up our defenses, and to lay a path for continued success. I believe we are on the right track!

Here's to working holidays and to the success of small group tour operators like us!

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