Friday, January 25, 2013

Very Successful Open House Week

Well, I normally make these posts on Mondays, but this week has been crazy busy, especially since we were in full preparation Monday for our Tuesday Open House here at QueensLander headquarters. And it was an incredibly successful event, attended by about 40-plus guests from the community. We had travel agents, former guests, current clients, board members, and business colleagues present.

The evening started with prosecco for arriving guests, while live Spanish guitar music played in the background. We then had on hand a professional sommelier, who demonstrated wine and food pairings and passed out take-home cards of those pairings for the guests. Then Chef Terri Lack, owner of Pizzeria di Olinto, prepared an international spread of gourmet food that was a huge hit with everyone!

Later in the evening, we had an Italian language instructor present, who gave a sample lesson and talked to guests about signing up for courses. We also had a drawing for four separate luxury tour prizes, including five nights in a villa in either Tuscany or Umbria. Other prizes included 50% off one of our new river cruise packages by Viking Cruises.

Anyway, it was a great evening! Tomorrow, I'm off bright and early to Washington, D.C. to promote Mark Story World Adventures, my TV reality show concept.

Have a great weekend one and all!

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