Monday, February 18, 2013

UK Departures Beginning in May

Beginning May 2nd, we start our new England, Scotland and Wales tour. Dates for 2013 and 2014 are published on our website now, so start making your plans!

This new tour to the United Kingdom starts in Edinburgh, Scotland, makes its way down to Wales and the Lake District, then wraps up in London. I personally love traveling in the UK. I even enjoy the food, which I know has often been the stuff of jokes over the years! But really, the food in Britain has improved, especially in London, where a lot of French emigres work and dwell these days.

During this tour to the United Kingdom, we'll see such sights as the Tower of London, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, Bath, The Lakes District, Stratford-upon-Avon, Caernarfon Castle, etc.

I guarantee that this will be a great trip, and if you wish, you may want to extend your tour with jump over to Ireland at the end. You'll love this tour of the British Isles, and I hope you'll join us for a trip back to "the old country"!

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