Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Well, I'm a day early, but won't be writing my blog over the weekend.

Speaking of Ireland, our first Ireland & Scotland Tour will commence soon with Tour Captain Dan Dieckhaus. Dan has been the leading this tour for some time now, and he's an expert. If you don't enjoy a trip with him, there's seriously something wrong with you! And he has a great rapport with our local contacts on the ground in Ireland and Scotland.

While you're on your Ireland tour, take time to not only enjoy the beautiful scenery and history, but also the culture at the local public house. Toss back a few pints, listen to some good Irish music, and think about what it means to have a bit of Irish blood in you. If you don't for real, then you'll have some in you by adoption once you leave the Emerald Isle!

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