Thursday, March 1, 2012

Italy Casts Her Charm Like Few Others!

I am currently planning an Italy tour for a friend and his mom to take place in September. His mom is 79 and has never been out of the country! Some have suggested to my friend that taking his mom to Italy for her first trip out of country might be too "far out there" for her, that maybe he should take her somewhere less dramatic, like the U.K., where at least they speak English. However, my friend's mom reports that every time she mentions going to Italy to people (especially those who've been before), they "light up" and say how much they wish they could go back! Not one has said that they didn't absolutely love it. So, the friend and his mom are sticking to their guns and going to Italy, and I know they won't be disappointed! Italy has a way of making people fall in love with her!

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