Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Mention on Arthur Frommer's Travel Show

I told you recently about our company being mentioned by Arthur Frommer on WOR New York's "The Travel Show with Arthur Frommer." At that time, the caller was asking about us because she wasn't too familiar with us and wondered if we were a good bet. Mr. Frommer said he "would not hesitate to go with QueensLander Tours."

Well, the customer, Ellen, did go to Italy with us, and apparently had a great time. As a result, she called back into Frommer's program upon her return and gave a glowing report about her travel experience, saying that she and her family had a wonderful time. We're so appreciative of her for doing that. You really can't beat that kind of publicity! And it encourages us to keep up the quality work here at headquarters and on the ground in the various places we travel.

Not sure about us? Give us a try. You'll be pleasantly pleased!

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