Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Effective Organizations Embrace Change!

As a leader and visionary, it's my responsibility to occasionally implement change into our organization. Some may see this as "throwing a wrench" into the works, which it is to some degree, but on the whole it's a good thing. We have to stay on the cutting edge, to keep growing and developing. If we don't, we die.

One simple way I implement change is to have our office space periodically re-arranged, say every six months or so. It's always interesting to see how people respond to something as simple as that. Some embrace it, while others struggle to adjust. Largely, we humans have trouble with change. We struggle with it initially. But if your employees can see it as a good thing that inspires or refreshes, it can be a positive thing in the long run.

With regard to our product, we also want to make changes that are needed to keep tours fresh and exciting. But you never want to ignore the tried and true elements that are the bedrock of your tour, the things that shouldn't be changed no matter what: like value, quality, and service! Our small group tours offer just that at a price that is very competitive with our competition. Italy tours, Spain tours, Ireland tours, and Australia tours: we know these products well, and we don't mess with that which works.

So, change yes, but make change that is positive, that spurs new ideas, that refreshes, but don't change that which is the core basis of your most valuable assets!

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