Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Returning Stateside...

I'm currently on my way back to the States. Italy has been great as usual, but can't wait to get back to Denver and my normal routine. Had a great bunch of people with me on the ground in Italy, and we had a terrific time together, but I must get back to the business of running a business.

In reconnecting with our core product over the past week and a half, I'm ever more convinced that small group tours are the way to go! People don't want to be crammed onto big buses with 30 or so other folks whose names they'll never get to know or remember. People still want a personal touch. They don't want to be lost in the crowd or not know where they fit. By keeping groups small, you have ample opportunity to enjoy being part of the group or simply connecting with a few folks with which you have something in common. Time with the group and time alone are both important, and that free time is always built into our schedules. We usually have a nice mixture of couples and singles, as well as age groups represented. No one need feel left out.

Small group tours: the only way to see the world!

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