Friday, April 5, 2013

Meticulous Detail is a Must in the Success of Small Group Touring...

Well, here it is Friday, and I'm just now making my blog entry for the week! Leading a tour company is a full-time business, as well as one that requires meticulous attention to detail for every trip. We have to be extremely careful when juggling hotel reservations, train tickets, portage of luggage, arrival and departure transfers, flight arrangements, etc. Everything must work together and come together cohesively. Absolutely no detail is too small or to be taken for granted. If you do, then you are surely to go wrong somewhere. Everyone on staff has to be doing their part to make these trips happen successfully. We've had very few issues, so I'm extremely proud of my team and all they accomplish each week!

At this point, the customer reviews of this year's tours are starting to come in, and the response is spot on from what I'm seeing. Each of our Tour Captains has a huge responsibility out in the field to make sure that all the arrangements we've worked so tirelessly to get organized come off without a hitch. Sometimes there may be a little pressure behind the scenes, but I have to say they make it look flawless and effortless! We have an incredible team of Tour Captains, including Dan Dieckhaus, Sandy Gregory, Janette Tepas, Caron Guillo, Elaine Rodriguez, and Jodie Hedrick. We've also recently brought on board Janet Kucks, Audrey DeMonte, and Troy Bradley, all of whom will be making their first trips very soon. We are grateful for all of their hard work.

Just a reminder that this coming Tuesday, we be having another one of our bi-monthly webinars about traveling in Europe, so be sure to log on and join us at: We'll start at 6:30pm Mountain Time, 5:30pm Western, and 8:30pm Eastern. See you on the web!

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