Monday, January 14, 2013

Bitter Cold Outside, Hopping Inside!

It was one degree farenheit in Denver when I left for work this morning! It has indeed been bitter cold this past weekend, even for Denver, but while it's too cold to move outside, things were hopping in the office this morning.

We started our day here with our weekly team meeting, which was full of new tasks, ideas, and challenges being tossed out and dealt with one by one. We are extremely busy, and grateful for all of it!

One thing we're excited about is our Open House next Tuesday, January 22nd, here at our new headquarters in Centennial, Colorado. We moved here several months ago into a small suite, but have since moved two floors up to a much larger suite of offices, and we are eager to show off our new location. So, we'll be having folks in next week for appetizers, drinks, and conversation. We also plan on having a demonstration of an Italian language class for those who wish to brush up on their Italian with a local Italian instructor, who plans to hold classes here at our location.

We're also working on planning for our regular monthly webinars to help you learn about travel to all of our locations: Italy, Spain & Portugal, Ireland & Scotland, as well as Australia & New Zealand.

So, stay warm, and I hope to see you soon, either in person or virtually in cyberspace!

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